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Welcome to KageRimikkusu!


On my youtube channel KageRimikkusu, I show a lot of how I remix life in my own way. On my channel I do a little bit of everything, but the main focus is the music and art. I do all sorts of covers, and sometimes I write my own stuff.

Take a listen to some of my covers here.

My musical name Kage Rimikkusu, means Shadow Remix, as I, Kage take music and make my own version, a remix out of them. I love Anime music, and feel like their openings and closings are often skipped over, but I appreciate them. My channel KageRimikkusu shows some anime covers as well as some covers of pop songs as well. My original music spans across all genres but keeps the theme of individuality and being yourself.  

Always down for collaborations or performances! Contact me!

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